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Editorial Policy & Disclaimers

Image by Paul Blenkhorn


 â€‹Editorial Policy


  • It is a violation of our editorial policy to (1) publish any material that is copyrighted, protected by trade secret or otherwise subject to third party proprietary rights, including privacy and publicity rights, unless you are the owner of such rights or have permission from the rightful owner; (2) publish falsehoods or misrepresentations that could damage the publisher or any third party; or (3) submit material that is unlawful, obscene, defamatory, libelous, threatening, pornographic, harassing, hateful, racially or ethically offensive, otherwise disruptive to civil debate on the blog, or encourages conduct that would be considered as a criminal offence, give rise to civil liability, or violate any law.
  • Furthermore, the publisher and editor(s) of the Indian Economic Law Review ("Blog") may at their discretion remove submitted comments and/or other material from the blog if they have a reason to believe that the materials are in violation of the Editorial Policy.

  • In case of contributors discussing a case in which they or their employer acted, act or plan or know they will act as counsel or in which they are involved in any whatsoever, the post must reflect the case in a neutral manner. Also, the post shall include an endnote stating that the contributor(s) or their employer has (have) been, is (are) or plan to be involved in the case. The contributors must inform the editors if the proposed blog post discusses legal issues in connection with a matter on which they are involved, including in which they or their employer had advised, currently advise, or plan to advise, at the date of the post. The Blog has the right to refuse publication of such a post or in case the information is not revealed before publication, to remove the post.

  • If any internal authorisations are required from the employer, for example, to publish the post, the authors must confirm that they have obtained any and all such authorisations. This guideline is not to be construed as contrary to any other guideline or policy of the Blog, including the Blog’s requirement of originality and its general policy of publishing only previously unpublished content.

  • The Blog values originality of pieces above anything. Contributors must make known to the Indian Economic Law Review any submissions of the draft post with other publishers, at any time during the review process. The Blog reserves the right to cease collaboration with respective contributors, if they fail to do so.

  • Blog posts can be included by contributors on their (employer’s) own websites, provided they give credit to and link back to the original post on the Blog. Third parties are not allowed to include Blog posts without prior approval.

  • The Blog reserves the right to add (additional) links to sources relevant to the matters referred to in a post, should these not already be implemented.




  • The opinions expressed herein are those of the contributors (which shall, for these purposes, include guests) in their personal capacity and do not, in any way or manner, reflect the views of the organisations that the contributors are presently associated with, or that have previously employed or retained the contributors. Postings on this blog are for informational purposes only. Nothing herein shall be deemed or construed to constitute legal or investment advice. Discussions on, or arising out of this, blog between contributors and other persons shall not create any attorney-client relationship.

  • Many of the links on this blog will take you to sites operated by third parties. The contributors of this blog have not reviewed all of the information on these sites or the accuracy or reliability of any information, data, opinions, advice, or statements on these sites. The contributors do not endorse these sites, or opinions they may offer. 

  • Furthermore, the content on the Blog is intended to be purely academic and educational. It does not constitute commentary on the conduct of lawyers or parties involved in any legal matter. The focus of the discussion is on legal principles, theories, and interpretations for informational purposes only.

  • The administrators and editors of the Blog do not endorse or promote any particular legal viewpoint or position. Any references to specific laws, cases, or legal doctrines are made for illustrative purposes only and should not be relied upon as authoritative legal guidance.

  • In no event shall the Blog, its administrators, editors, contributors, or affiliates be liable for any damages arising out of or in connection with the use of the information provided on the Blog.

  • Additionally, it is important to note that the Indian Economic Law Review is not monetised, and the administrators, editors, and contributors do not receive compensation for their contributions to the Blog. Therefore, their involvement with the Blog does not constitute work, job, or employment in any capacity. Rather, their participation is purely an academic pursuit conducted in their individual capacity as legal professionals or individuals with expertise in their respective fields.

  • By accessing and using the Blog, you agree to abide by the terms of this disclaimer. If you do not agree with these terms, you should refrain from accessing or using the Blog.

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